Affirmation of Faith
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Bible was written by men supernaturally inspired; that it has truth without any admixture of error for its matter, and therefore, is, and shall remain to the end of the age, the only complete and final revelation of the will of God to man.
WE BELIEVE that there is one, and only one, living and true God, an infinite intelligent spirit - the Maker and Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth.
WE BELIEVE that in the unity of the Godhead, there are three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, equal in every divine perfection, and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption.
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit is a divine person - equal with God the Father and God the son in nature. He convicts of sin, of judgement, and righteousness; He is the agent in the new Birth; He seals, endows, teaches, witnesses, sanctifies, and helps the believer.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ was begotten of the Holy Ghost in a miraculous manner; born of Mary, a virgin, as no other man was ever born or can ever be born of woman. He is both the Son of God and God, the Son.
WE BELIEVE that The Church of the Kingdom of God is a body of baptized believers associated by a Covenant of Faith and Fellowship of the Gospel; observing the Ordinances of Christ; governed by his laws; exercising the gifts, rights and privileges invested in them by His Word.